Message from the chairman

In recent years, we have seen a great number of abnormal weather events such as mega-hurricanes. Certain regions in Japan have also suffered significant damage from unprecedented rainfall. These weather patterns are thought to be the effects of global warming. I believe we must increase our energy conservation efforts in order to slow down global warming.
The true essence of energy conservation is to achieve the same goal using less energy. This is something that anyone can do. It is therefore the most effective measure to combat global warming.
Over the past ten years, Japan’s energy consumption has decreased, while its gross domestic product (GDP) has increased. This is the result of a nationwide effort to conserve energy.
Heat pump technology is crucial for energy conservation. Heat pump technology uses renewable energy. Therefore, the effective use of this technology can make a significant contribution to overcoming the issues we face.
Hot water heat pumps use heat pump technology. They are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient thermal storage systems.
In October 2017, in light of the expected increase in energy consumption in Asia, we released a joint statement with the Asian Heat Pump Thermal Storage Technologies Network (AHPNW), promoting hot water heat pumps as the main theme of the 2017 AHPNW.
In order to popularize heat pumps and thermal storage systems in Japan and abroad, we plan to put significant effort into information dissemination. We sincerely ask for your continued cooperation and support for our organization and its activities.