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Case Study Video of Sakakibara Heart Institute of Okayama |
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2015/05 |
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The concept of rebuilding this hospital was to save energy and improve the safety, comfort and cost of facilities, with the aim of improving management efficiency and reinforcing business continuity in the event of a disaster. In order to improve system efficiency air conditioning facilities combine high-efficiency heat pumps with Eco Ice and Eco Cute for hot water supply were installed. |
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Case Study Video of Hakutsuru Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. (Nadauozaki Factory) |
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2014/03 |
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The factory combines traditional sake brewing techniques and the latest energy saving technologies. To cool the sake storage tanks, an ice storage system equipped with chiller utilizing ammonia refrigerant was installed which could contribute to electric power load leveling. Also in the bottling process CO2 heat recovery heat pump which is capable of simultaneously producing hot and cold water was installed for the first time in the sake industry. |
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Case Study Video of The Asahi Shimbun Company (Nakanosima Festival Tower) |
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2014/03 |
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Since the building is located in between two rivers utilization of river water (unused renewable energy) was adapted to operate centrifugal chiller efficiently. Also a huge thermal storage tanks were installed which has an total effect of reducing primary energy consumption by 43% compared to average typical district heating and cooling plants. This project was selected by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as a “Model Project for Promoting CO2 Reduction in Residential and Commercial Buildings.” |
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Case Study Video of Kyoto Aquarium |
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2014/03 |
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This aquarium is the first large-scale inland aquarium in Japan. It installed highly efficient air-source heat pump module chillers. As well as heating and cooling the water of each tank, the chillers also serve as a dual heat source for space heating and cooling of the aquarium itself. This makes the whole system more flexible. This project was selected by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as a “Leading Project for CO2 Reduction in Residential and Commercial Buildings.” |
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Case Study Video of Koraku Onyado Fujiginkei |
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2015/05 |
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This hotel it built in Lake Kawaguchi Area at the foot of Mt. Fuji, now a registered world heritage site. When the refurbishment was done, they installed a low-cost, environmentally friendly commercial Eco Cute, out of consideration for the environment and the continued development of the area. Thanks to the system’s cutting-edge technology, energy-saving performance and ability to reduce costs, they receive an energy-saving subsidy from the government in 2012, covering one third of the total cost. |
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Case Study Video of Tateyama Country Club |
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2015/05 |
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The new clubhouse was rebuilt in 2012. It is a fully electric building that combines safety and ease of maintenance, as well as protecting the environment and saving energy. For the hot water supply, load leveling was achieved by effective use of heat pump water heater combined with thermal storage tank which utilizes the less expensive overnight power. For air conditioning, high-efficiency heat pump system were installed for each room. The kitchens meanwhile are fitted with fully electric systems that maintain hygiene whilst also creating an excellent working environment. |